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Dear Reader.

This is the second Newsletter for 2023. It provides you with information concerning the latest developments inside the AEF. The information found in each edition may affect your company or could be of general interest. Please forward to persons in charge.

Any comments are welcome:

Nebraska Tractor Test Lab (NTTL) 103 Year Celebration

The University of Nebraska Tractor Test Lab celebrated its century of testing tractors on July 8, 2023 on the east campus. A representation of tested tractors with a wide range of technology, including the Larson Tractor and Museum exibits were prepared.


The ASABE’s Annual International Meeting took place from July 9 – 12 in Omaha, Nebraska.

AEF Fall Plugfest – Antibes

In just a few weeks, from September 18 to 22, 2023, the next AEF Fall Plugfest will take place at Congress Center of Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, like already in 2019.

Meetings in Duluth, GA, USA

AEF Steering Committee and Team Leaders meet at AGCO.

Thank you Anita Sennett

On the 22nd of June 2023 Anita Sennett, the AEF Secretary attended (and documented) her last AEF Steering Committee meeting before commencing her retirement on the 30th.

New AEF staff: Birgit Wagner

The AEF is very happy to welcome Birgit Wagner as a new member of the AEF team, based in Gütersloh, Germany.

Changes in AEF Teams

Thank you Georg Happich and Welcome Derek Smith (TIM 2).

New AEF Guidelines

The AEF Guideline AEF 023, AEF 040, AEF 043.

New AEF Members

These companies joined the AEF.

Upcoming events 2023

AEF Fall Plugfest, VDI conference ”Ag Eng”, Agritechnica,...



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Copyright ©AEF. All rights reserved.
Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) e.V., PO Box 71 08 64, 60498 Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
The AEF is registered under VR 14306 at the Local Court, Frankfurt, Germany.

Person responsible according to the German Press Law:
Alfred Kornes, AGCO GmbH, Marktoberdorf, Germany