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Dear Reader.

This is the fourth Newsletter for 2023. It provides you with information concerning the latest developments inside the AEF. The information found in each edition may affect your company or could be of general interest. Please forward to persons in charge.

Any comments are welcome:

Registration for Spring Plugfest in Houston will be open December 15, 2024

Houston, a major city in Texas will be the destination of the next AEF Plugfest again in conjunction with Commodity Classicom. Setting up the George R. Brown Convention Center as a great choice for the 2024 Commodity Classic and AEF Spring PlugFest February from February 28 – March 1, 2024, in North America.

Review: Autonomy Day

Autonomy in Agriculture – where does the AEF fit? This was the title for the second AEF Autonomy Day which was held on November 29 at the FederUnacoma office in Bologna, in line with Team Leader and Steering Committee meetings.

Trade show review: Agritechnica

AGRITECHNICA - The world's leading trade fair for agricultural machinery took place from November 12 to 18 at the Hannover Messe showgrounds. AEF was present with a booth in hall 8 together with ag software and precision farming technologies.

Review: Presentations at Agritechnica

Wireless infield Communication – Road Safety

Wireless in-field communication (WIC) serves as a crucial facilitator for seamless and interoperable collaborative fieldwork. Therefore, it also plays a pivotal role in addressing road safety concerns during transit to and from the field.

10 years of Conformance Test

AEF celebrates 10th anniversary of ISOBUS Conformance Test and Database

With the AEF ISOBUS Database, AEF has been ensuring transparency of ISOBUS compatibility for more than 10 years now. As of today, 1280 certified ECUs, 755 product types, 1630 product models and over 3000 product versions shown in the database from the well-known agricultural machinery manufacturers and suppliers speak for themselves.

New AEF Project team: Digital Camera Systems

A few weeks ago, the AEF kicked off the new project team Digital Camera Systems or DCS for short. More than 25 participants from various AEF member companies out of the the USA, South America, Europe and Asia seized the opportunity to attend.

AEF ISOBUS Certified label

One of the first tasks after the founding of the AEF was to make ISOBUS (ISO 11783) easier to understand for the whole industry. This led to the development of a communication concept based on ISOBUS functionalities. The idea being that if you see the same functionality on two different products connected on the ISOBUS you know that you can use that functionality.

Web based trainings

AEF member companies enjoy complimentary access to our web-based training courses. These instructional videos cover technical fundamentals across diverse topics, including ISOBUS, the AEF Functionalities, the CAN-BUS, as well as the AEF Check-Tool. Additionally, they offer insights into diagnostics and the ticket system.

Upcoming events 2024

Green Week, ASABE Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC), AEF Plugfests ...


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Copyright ©AEF. All rights reserved.
Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) e.V., PO Box 71 08 64, 60498 Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
The AEF is registered under VR 14306 at the Local Court, Frankfurt, Germany.

Person responsible according to the German Press Law:
Alfred Kornes, AGCO GmbH, Marktoberdorf, Germany