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AEF TIM Award ceremony

Tractor Implement Management (TIM) receives two awards in February: ASABE AE50 Award and AEM Davidson Prize in the US.

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First TIM products are present in the AEF ISOBUS Database

Since AEF’s development of the Tractor Implement Management (TIM) was launched in December 2019, the first products supporting the TIM functionality are now present in the AEF Database.

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AEF Core Membership changes

As well as the recently announced AEF membership changes involving Kubota Corporation and Kverneland Group, the start of 2020 has ushered in one more change to the line-up of AEF Core Members with PÖTTINGER Landtechnik becoming a general member.

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agROBO food - AEF with CEMA participation

In parallel to ATLAS, AEF is a partner in a second EU funded project named agROBOfood.

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ISOBUS Seminar at REI

The ISOBUS event held in Reggio Emilia (Italy) on December 13th 2019 titled “Agriculture looks to the future” was a great success.

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AEF, AETC and ISOBUS; A Great Combination

Last month on February 10-12 the AEF was a sponsor of the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC) 2020. This annual event is hosted every February by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) in Louisville Kentucky during the same week as The National Farm Machinery Show.

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New PT05 Lead Jasper Jeninga

As of December 1, 2019, the AEF has a new project team leader for the ISOBUS Automation Group: Jasper Jeninga, Team Leader at CLAAS based in Bad Saulgau, Germany, has agreed to take over the tasks from Hans Jürgen Nissen, who has filled the position as PT05 Lead since the beginning.

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New PT04 Deputy Ronny Preußer

The AEF is happy to introduce Ronny Preußer as new deputy team lead for project team Service & Diagnostics.

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Hara Spathi started as Project Manager for ATLAS

Since February, 12, 2020 Hara Spathi has joined the AEF as project manager for the ATLAS program. ATLAS focuses on the standardization of data interfaces in the field of cloud-based agricultural applications. The project is scheduled for three years and is funded by the EU's H2020 research programme.

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Become a sponsor for AEF Fall Plugfest now

The AEF Spring Plugfest 2020 will take place from 05 to 07 May in Lincoln, Nebraska – USA.. Be there when a knowledgeable audience meets to test and exchange ideas and promote your company as a gold, silver or bronze sponsor.

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Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) e.V., PO Box 71 08 64, 60498 Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
The AEF is registered under VR 14306 at the Local Court, Frankfurt, Germany.

Person responsible according to the German Press Law:
Alfred Kornes, AGCO GmbH, Marktoberdorf, Germany