AEF Events

Tech Week 2025

AEF Tech Week
at Panasonic in Munich, Germany
January 21 – 23, 2025

The AEF teams are composed of volunteers from member companies who contribute to AEF alongside their regular jobs. The motivation behind the first AEF Tech Week 2023 in Wageningen was to enhance collaboration among the various teams to effectively advance their projects. Given the positive outcomes, participants strongly recommended repeating this event to maintain the momentum achieved.

The next AEF Tech Week is scheduled for January 21 – 23, 2025 and will be hosted by Panasonic in Munich. The focus will be on High-Speed ISOBUS (HSI), Digital Camera Systems (DCS), Wireless Infield Communication (WIC), and the Agricultural Interoperability Network (AgIN). The aim is to discuss and align on results and necessary steps to elevate these projects to the next level.

Thank you, Sponsors!