AEF Fall Plugfest in Bologna
From the 18th to the 20th of September the Fall Plugfest took place at the Savoia Regency Hotel in Bologna, Italy. It was a welcome return to this venue which successfully hosted the 2016 edition of the AEF Fall Plugfest. There were 147 participants and 104 visitors who performed 3200 number of tests during the three days in 30 minute time slots.
The Hotel had been taken over by the AEF as a number of face to face meetings were also scheduled during the event. The Steering Committee, Team Leaders and PT1, PT3, PT4, PT6, PT9 and PT10 all held face to face meetings.
Wednesday the 19th was an important day as the AEF annual general meeting was held as well as the celebration of the AEF's tenth anniversary with an afternoon of presentations followed by dinner in the hotel courtyard accompanied by a live jazz band. During the dinner Jaap van Bergeijk and Rudi Buschmeier were presented with special plaques to thank them for their contribution to the AEF as Team Leaders of PT1 and PT3 respectively.
There were also two technical presentations held on the Thursday morning covering the following topics; "Conformance Test for TIM - A new way of testing" and "Road Safety for Ag Equipment - Technical Challenges by using 802.11p".
It was a busy, but thoroughly enjoyable week for all those who took part!
Thank you, Sponsors!
First package Sponsors

Second package Sponsors

Third package Sponsors